Risk of dislocation during childbirth after total hip arthroplasty: a systematic literature review
L.J. de Blouw1 R.M. Peters1, 2
J.J.W. Ploegmakers1 1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands
2 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical Center Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Corresponding author: L.J. de Blouw, lisannedeblouw@gmail.com
Background: to date, a growing number of female patients of reproductive age undergo a total hip arthroplasty (THA). Although implants and surgical techniques have improved over the years, dislocation remains a common complication. Increased soft tissue compliance, joint laxity and a lowered muscle tonus during pregnancy and childbirth makes this population theoretically more prone for instability. We aimed to evaluate the risk of dislocation after THA during pregnancy and childbirth. Methods: PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library were searched for studies about pregnancy and childbirth in female patients who have undergone a THA. Studies were included if: (1) they included pregnant patients with a THA; (2) complications (dislocation) during pregnancy or after childbirth were described; (3) full text article was available; and (4) written in English or in Dutch. Results: twelve studies were included. A total of 235 patients with a THA successfully gave birth to 312 babies. 153 (49%) were delivered vaginally and 159 (51%) via a caesarean section. One dislocation was reported in the caesarean section group. Conclusion: the results of this systematic review suggest that there is no increased risk of dislocation during childbirth in patients with a THA.
Introduction Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is performed to reduce pain, restore function, and improve quality of life in patients with disabling hip pain due to a variety of conditions1. Initially, the procedure was restricted to elderly patients with low physical demands. Indications for THA have expanded and currently also include conditions in more active and younger patients. The number of patients of reproductive age receiving a THA is on a rise2,9. In the Netherlands, approximately 30.000 THAs are performed annually, of which 4% are placed in patients aged younger than 50-years of age10. The most common indications for THA in patients of fertile age are rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis of the femoral head and developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)2. Dislocation is a frequently encountered adverse event following THA. It affects 0.2-10% of patients after primary THA and up to 28% of patients with revised THAs3,4. Female patients are more at risk for dislocation (3-2:1 ratio). This might be explained by a lower muscle tone, less muscle strength and increased soft tissue compliance5,6. Young female patients who have undergone THA might want to start a family or increase their family size. These patients tend to have concerns regarding implant dislocation during pregnancy and vaginal delivery. Furthermore, healthcare providers involved in consultation of pregnant women with a THA may have insufficient experience in regard to the safety of the implant during pregnancy and childbirth. During pregnancy the corpus luteum secretes the hormone relaxin. This hormone has been identified as a major contributor in the increase of joint laxity around the pelvis to ensure successful delivery7,8. In addition, stressful forces are placed on the pelvic region during childbirth. These factors could make women more prone to dislocate their THA during childbirth. In this systematic review we aimed to evaluate the risk of THA dislocation during childbirth. Secondly, we aimed to provide some practical advice which can be used during consultation of pregnant women with a THA. Methods Eligibility criteria Studies were eligible if: (1) they included pregnant women with a THA; (2) they reported on complications (dislocation) of the THA during childbirth; (3) the full text article was available; and (4) the article was written in English or Dutch.
Search strategy A comprehensive search of PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library, was performed up to May 18th, 2020. Systematic reviews were excluded. The search was not restricted to year of publication (appendix A). References of the included articles were manually reviewed for potentially relevant articles (figure 1).

Figure 1: Flow diagram of study selection and exclusion stages.
Study selection and data extraction Each article was reviewed in detail and assessed for eligibility based on title and abstract. Hereafter, full-text articles were evaluated and checked by two independent reviewers (LdB and JP). Data extraction was performed by the first author under supervision of the senior author. Data extracted included: author, journal of publication, year of publication, nation of publication, study design, number of female patients, mean age, mean follow-up, number of patients with live births, mean time of surgery to pregnancy, number of vaginal deliveries, number of caesarean deliveries, and number of dislocations.
Results In total, twelve articles were included in this systematic review8,11-21. Four studies were case reports and eight had a retrospective study design. Of these eight retrospective studies seven used questionnaires (table 1).

Patient characteristics The retrospective and case studies encompassed a total of 2891 female patients (range 1-1989) who had a mean age of 28.8 (range 15-45) years-old at the time of THA surgery (table 2). The most common primary diagnoses that lead to a THA were inflammatory arthritis, developmental dysplasia of the hip, avascular necrosis, and fractures. The mean follow-up was 6.4 (range 0.8-27) years (table 2).
Of the 2891 included female patients, 235 had live births post-THA surgery. The mean time from surgery to pregnancy was 26.4 months (range 2-128.4) (table 2). In six studies8,15,16,18,19,21 patients had more than one pregnancy leading to live births post-THA. This was also the case with the Sierra et al cohort. However, in that study only data of the first pregnancy and childbirth was reported. Dislocation From the studies included, 235 patients successfully gave birth to 312 babies. One was a twin pregnancy with one foetus in breech position for which a caesarean section was performed. 153 (49%) babies were delivered vaginally and 159 (51%) were delivered via a caesarean section (table 2). In 64% of cases (101/159) the reason for caesarean section delivery is not reported. Of the remaining cases, 37 were performed for obstetric reasons, 18 due to the presence of a THA, 3 due to small pelvic sizes, and 1 due to maternal factors. In total, only 1 out of 235 patients (312 deliveries) suffered a dislocation21. The reference group in this study, which contained non-pregnant THA patients with a similar mean age, had a 5% rate of dislocation. The patient that suffered from a dislocation had a delivery via a caesarean section.

Discussion To date, a growing number of fertile patients undergo THA. Although the implants and surgical technique has improved gradually over the years, dislocation is still a frequently encountered complication following THA surgery. Pregnant patients might be more prone to dislocate their THA due to additional risk factors, such as the release of relaxin which increases ligament laxity to ensure successful vaginal delivery and enlarged axial stressful forces placed on the axial and pelvic region due to the altered maternal centre of gravity. In this systematic review we aimed to evaluate the risk of dislocation during pregnancy and childbirth after THA. In the studies included, only 1 out of 312 births has led to a dislocation. The patient who suffered a dislocation underwent a caesarean section. This study should be interpreted in the light of its limitations. Three articles did not specifically report the number of dislocations14,19, 20. However, these articles stated that there were no (other) complications. Based on this statement we assumed there were no dislocations in these studies. Secondly, most studies had a small sample size. This increases the likelihood of a type II error skewing the results. Furthermore, there was a large variety in the aim and objectives of the included studies. Leading to no uniformity in reported outcomes and metrics used. Moreover, most studies were of retrospective design. Despite these limitations, we believe the results of this review are a valuable contribution to current knowledge on the risk of dislocation during pregnancy and childbirth in THA patients. The majority of studies reported a percentage between 50-70% for vaginal deliveries and between 30-50% for caesarean sections8,14-17,19,20. However, higher percentages for caesarean deliveries were reported in the studies of Kuitunen et al. (56%) and Stea et al. (95%)18,21. The higher number in the latter study might be due to an overall higher number of caesarean sections done in Italy and due to the higher percentage of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in their study population. In general, DDH does not alter the inner border and shape of the pelvis and does not influence the need for a caesarean section. In addition, surgery for DDH during early childhood does not change the size of the pelvis (e.g., open reduction, proximal femur osteotomy) and surgery before the age of six (Pemberton osteotomy) does not cause difficulties during pregnancy later in live due to the large remodelling capacity of the pelvis. However, DDH patients can have a reduced inner pelvic size after bilateral pelvic surgery (Steel, Chiari, Sutherland, and Salter osteotomy) and this can have an effect on the mode of delivery18,23. The effect of the underlying disease that led to THA surgery should be taken into account. Literature demonstrates a higher risk of dislocation in patients with avascular necrosis, a hip fracture, or inflammatory arthritis as indication for THA compared to osteoarthritis24. In our study the most common indications for THA surgery were inflammatory arthritis, DDH, avascular necrosis, and hip fractures. This means that this specific patient group is a priori more prone to dislocations. However, only one patient suffered a dislocation indicating that even with an increased risk due to the underlying disease the absolute risk is still low for dislocation. The only patient that suffered a dislocation gave birth via a caesarean section. During caesarean sections regional anaesthesia is used in the majority of cases and seldom general anaesthesia. Regional anaesthesia needs to give a(n) (almost) complete motor block and thus the patient has a decreased sensibility and motor control in the lower part of her body25. Therefore, the position of the hip could not be controlled by the patient and should be actively monitored by the healthcare providers during the delivery. This could possibly have aided in dislocating the hip. However, in some countries regional anaesthesia is also frequently administered during vaginal deliveries. Nonetheless, a lower dosage is used, since the motor block needs to be minimized to preserve the ability to push during vaginal delivery26. The patient thus has more sensibility and motor control on the lower body compared to regional anaesthesia given for a caesarean section. Furthermore, the time between THA surgery and the risk for dislocation is of importance. It is known that the highest probability of dislocation occurs within the first months after surgery27. Woo and Morrey stated that 59% of the dislocations occurred within the first three months after THA surgery and 77% within the first year28. Berry et al. showed that 21% of the dislocations occurred within the first 31 days and 38% in the first year after THA surgery24. In our data, the mean time of THA implantation to pregnancy was 26.4 (range 2-128.4) months. Only one patient became pregnant within the first year after surgery11 while the other patients became pregnant at least twelve months after THA and only one suffered a dislocation. This implicates THA is not performed in pregnant patients and consequently, the period of delivery will be after the period of increased risk for dislocation. Other risk factors for dislocation which have been identified are implant orientation and surgical technique (both approach, femoral head diameter, and surgical skills). Arthroplasty registry data shows that the risk for revision for dislocation is acceptably low in The Netherlands (around 1%)29. Based on the results of the studies included in this systematic review, no association between the surgical approach and the risk for dislocation during pregnancy and childbirth was found. Conclusion This systematic review of literature suggests that there is no increased risk of dislocation during pregnancy and childbirth in THA patients. Only one patient suffered a dislocation during childbirth in 312 deliveries. This patient gave birth via a caesarean section. Thus, zero patients who gave birth vaginally suffered a dislocation during childbirth. No evident risk factors for dislocation during pregnancy could be identified. However, we posit that the position of the hip during childbirth is important. Further studies regarding the risk of THA dislocation during pregnancy and childbirth should ideally be prospective with large patient numbers.
Disclosure statement Authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
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Appendix A. Search query used for systematic search of literature (“Total Hip Arthroplasty[title/abstract]” OR “Total Hip Replacement[title/abstract]” OR “Total Hip Prosthesis[title/abstract]” OR “THP[title/abstract]” OR “THA[title/abstract]”) AND (“Labor[title/abstract]” OR “Labour[title/abstract]” OR “Childbirth[title/abstract]” OR “Vaginal Delivery[title/abstract]” OR “Parturition[title/abstract]” OR “Pregnancy[title/abstract]”). Additional MeSH terms were used, including Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip; Parturition; Delivery, Obstetric; Labor, Obstetric; Pregnancy.